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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Save the Earth; From Us

Next week the great unwashed Left, unburdened as it is by facts or reason, will celebrate the 54th annual bacchanal known as Earth Day.  They will meet, mingle, march and chant their slogans, as part of the endless pursuit of their Holy Grail – worldwide despotism.  The great philosopher Pogo once observed, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”  That’s applicable here.  The message of every Earth Day project is the message common to all Leftist schemes.  “You’re living much too well.  Your comfort is harming the planet.  You don’t deserve what you’ve got, and it’s time for you to make sacrifices.”  Of course, the pseudo-celebrities who champion this pablum are not about to make sacrifices themselves.  They will continue to live on their private estates, consuming millions of gallons of water that they want to deny to you, and flying their private jets all over the world, while lecturing you about carbon footprints.  As I’ve noted before, the Eco-activist, Green agenda is fundamentally Marxist-Socialist.  Practically the day after the Berlin Wall came down, the former Reds all became Greens.  Only the name was changed, because the goals remained the same.  De-industrialization, and iron-fisted restrictions designed to control the populace by cancelling personal freedom.  The Greens want to reduce industrial production in order to reduce consumption. They pay lip service to favoring well-paying jobs, but like all good Marxist comrades, they hate the industries that create the jobs, failing to grasp that they can’t have one without the other.  I took a look at the website for the Earth Day cult,  The eco-extremists brag that their Earth Day minions will mobilize more than one billion people.  Of course, big numbers do not necessarily translate to positive outcomes.  McDonald’s has sold more than 99 billion hamburgers, and the Greens are opposed to that, as well as to the consumption of all meat.  Too much carbon you know.  Reduce cow farts and save the Earth.  The Greenie website also proclaims, “It’s not just a day, it’s a movement.”  A good dump every morning is also a movement, and both create the same result. A load of  sh- , wait, it’s Earth Day, so let’s call it compost.  The Greens are obsessed with the notion of climate change.  They conveniently ignore the fact that drastic climate changes have occurred throughout the Earth’s history, which cannot be attributed to industrialization.  From about A.D. 900 to 1350 or so, the Earth experienced what was called the Medieval Warm Period.  Temperatures rose about 2.5 degrees, in other words, more than the current climate change alarmists are crowing about today.  The results were positive.  Much of the population relied on subsistence farming.  Agricultural production soared, permitting the expansion of non-farm  populations in cities like London and Paris.  The sudden warming supported grape vineyards in places like Norway and England, to the extent that English wines were exported to France.  The population of Europe rose to 80 million, and just in time too, because after 1347, the black plague killed more than 25 million Europeans.  The warming came to an end, and a new, colder period naturally appeared, 500 years from the 14th to the 19th centuries, which came to be called the Little Ice Age.  The point of all this is not to deny that the climate changes, that is evident.  And it’s not to deny that industry may have some effect on the climate.  The problem is, we just don’t know whether industry is fueling warmer temperatures, or whether the Earth is naturally warming once again as it did in Medieval times.  And before we listen to the climate nuts, shut down industries, put people out of jobs, and destroy people’s lives, wouldn’t it be a good idea to be sure?  I know Il Duce Obama bragged he was going to lower the level of the oceans, but if the warming is a natural part of the climate cycle of the Earth, the actions of a mere Man, or even of a supposed Messiah, won’t change it.  For that matter, it’s not even clear that the Earth is warming.  Don’t take my word for it.  Dr. Ivar Giaever won a Nobel Prize for physics in 1973.  He’s not buying the man-made global warming claims.  In 2015, Dr. Giaever announced, “I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem.”  “The facts are that in the last 100 years we have measured the temperatures it has gone up .8 degrees and everything in the world has gotten better.  So how can they say it’s going to get worse when we have the evidence?  It must be politics.” “When you have a theory and the theory does not agree with the experiment then you have to cut out the theory.  You were wrong with the theory.” Giaever’s own climate research was eye opening.  “I was horrified by what I found.”  “Global warming really has become a new religion.  Because you cannot discuss it.  It’s not proper. It is like the Catholic Church.”  Amen brother.  And therein lies the problem with the Earth Day crowd.  They’re driven, not by science, but by a religious fervor. initiatives include ending plastics.  They’re made from oil, and discarded plastic is polluting the oceans.  Rather than just prevent the dumping, the goal is to end the use of all plastics.  Of course, without plastics, the world we know cannot exist.  Even the electric cars the climate nuts crave cannot be manufactured without plastic components.  Medical equipment that saves and prolongs lives are plastics.  Food freshness, safety, and availability depends on plastic packaging.  No matter, climate cultists are willing to sacrifice your quality of life to maintain their purity, and if it kills you, they’re good with that.  Climate Uber Alles.  All you need to know about Earth Day is that it was the creation of Ira Einhorn and Paul Erlich, two different men with the same agenda.  Einhorn, an associate of Yippie leader Abbie Hoffman, cared more about climate than human life.  He murdered his girlfriend, hid her body in a trunk, and later absconded to France to escape justice.  Erlich, wrote, The Population Bomb, in 1968, which predicted worldwide starvation if the world’s population continued to grow.  Since he wrote the book, the population doubled, and obesity is a worldwide problem.  Simply put, he was wrong about that, and just about every other thing he and his cult are trying to sell the world.  The bottom line is that the eco-nuts are blinded by their ideological purity.  Like all Leftists, they can’t see that the perfect is the enemy of the good.  No one opposes initiatives that would improve the environment, but that’s not enough for them.  Gluing yourself to the road, and shouting, “Do what we say, or the world ends Tuesday,” isn’t an effective way to convince people that you’re serious.  I’d say, “Happy Earth Day,” but it’s proponents are never happy.

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